The Law of Assumption: How to Create the End Before It Even Happens

In our current reality, there are many laws which keep it running. If there weren’t these laws, there would be absolute chaos. One of these laws is the Law of Assumption.

This is a principle which can offer you the keys to unlock your potential and manifest your dream life–if you understand it.

In this post, we’ll explore this ancient concept. We’ll go in-depth about:

  • The science behind the law of assumption
  • Why positivity is important to use the law of assumption properly
  • Why it’s important to “see the end” before it comes (and how to do it)
  • How to use this powerful law to your advantage via specific techniques

With that, let’s jump in.

Understanding the Law of Assumption – What Is It and How Does the Law Work?

a man standing in front of a colorful swirl of light | Law of Assumption

The Law of Assumption is a deep-rooted principle which states that our beliefs and assumptions mold our reality. This concept has been referenced in various religions and philosophies throughout history.

It is one of the many universal laws which proposes that our beliefs and assumptions have a direct impact on the physical world around us. A transformation in the world around us can be brought about by changing our perceptions of ourselves and by changing the makeup of our subconscious mind and thoughts.

In the Christian Bible it is referenced in the book of Proverbs that “As a man thinketh so is he“.

In the Bhavagad Gita, Lord Krishna stated “As a person thinks and feels, so is he or she“.

In the Dhammapada, a Buddhist text, it is stated “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world“.

More recently in spiritual humanistic circles it is known as “setting good intentions”.

Whatever system you want to use to refer to this power, they all speak to this underlying universal law.

Therefore, if you want to extrapolate all of these sayings further – what you think and feel, what you believe deep down in your heart–that is what you will see pictured in your outer reality in time in some form or fashion.

It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow – but what is consistently held in mind will manifest in some format.

American Philosopher Neville Goddard and the Law of Assumption

neville goddard law of assumption looking mysterious

Neville Goddard was an American mystic who frequently wrote and lectured around the belief central to his philosophical teaching: consciousness is the only reality. Neville was also a strong advocate of the Law of Assumption and emphasized the central role this consciousness plays in forming our reality.

The law of assumption proposes that our beliefs and expectations really do influence the world around us.

Everything you do, have, and will become will only be determined via your consciousness, nothing else. Therefore, if your self-talk and internal monologue is negative – your world will be negative. If you think about the worst – the worst will certainly happen.

This is very closely related to the concept of your mental paradigm – as your mental paradigm will determine not only how you experience things in reality, but what things you experience.

By learning how our assumption states influence our lives, we can better comprehend the power of our thoughts and beliefs. This powerful concept can help us manifest incredible things and create the world we want.

The Science Behind the Law of Assumption

Quantum physics supports the idea that our thoughts and beliefs influence our reality, as seen in phenomena like the observer effect.

Scientific inquiries have also shown that we live in a vast ocean of “consciousness” that is influenced by our thoughts. This is explored in depth in books such as the The Field.

Human psychology also significantly contributes to the Law of Assumption as it shapes our behavior and reactions based on our own consciousness, which is comprised of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

The Law of Assumption goes hand-in-hand with the Law of Attraction, which states that we manifest experiences which match our vibration. However, the Law of Assumption focuses on believing that your ideal scenario already exists in some current timeline of reality, making it a powerful ally for those looking to manifest their deepest desires.

Newtonian Reality vs. Quantum Reality

Since the discovery of gravity by Sir Isaac Newton, the prevailing model of reality has been what is called the Newtonian model of reality. This is very 1 + 1 = 2 type stuff. It is a very three-dimensional (height, width, depth) and linear approach to reality. This is what we can perceive with our physical senses.

From the quantum perspective of the universe, however, there is no “cause” and there is no “effect”. There is no linearity. All possibilities exist as mere potential in waves of probability. There also is no time, as time requires linear point in space to observe it. From the perspective of the quantum, there is no “here” and there is no “there”.

We are everything and nothing at once, in a limitless reality.

Quantum physics supports the Law of Assumption through the observer effect, demonstrating that our thoughts and beliefs have the power to influence our reality.

Levels of Consciousness and the Law of Assumption

In esoteric (and even now mainstream scientific) thought, there’s a belief that the entire universe is derivations of one substance–consciousness. This is known as panpsychism. This believe has been asserted by various mystics, sages, and spiritual wisemen for centuries.

This means that everything in the universe is consciousness at some level.

This is what is meant by “For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring” in Acts 17:28 in the Christian Bible.

This is what is meant by “From the One come the Ten Thousand Things” in the Tao Te Ching.

We “live, move, and have our being” in this vast ocean of light – this vast ocean of consciousness (which is all present, all powerful, and all knowing).

The Ten Thousand Things (the world of form) arises from the One (consciousness).

A book which takes this step further is Power vs. Force by Dr. David R. Hawkins. In this book, he asserts that everything in the universe has a consciousness level from 1 to 1000 (1 being virtual death, 1000 being “enlightenment”).

Therefore, it can be asserted that you can “rise” to the level of consciousness where your ideal state exists. Think about it – does your dream lifestyle exist on the level of apathy or anger or guilt? Probably not.

What does this mean for the Law of Assumption?

In the Newtonian model of reality, you use force to generate outcomes. This is the mode of being that the world works on. The one of “hard work”.

Don’t get me wrong, “hard work” can certainly get you far and it can be very useful for many short-to-medium term projects. I’ve “worked hard” many times in my life (to stellar results).

But if you want to achieve those BIG goals, you need a bit more gunpowder.

By tapping into the Law of Assumption, you get the quantum field on your side in combination with conscious and deliberate action from your side. This will create what is called “a bridge of incidents” which are stepping stones on the way to your ideal.

Using this law to help draw your desired reality to you is going to do more to help you than vain striving with little vision and little plan on what the end destination will look like.

Embracing and Understanding the Power of Positivity in the Law of Assumption

Successful manifestation and use of the law of assumption heavily relies on positivity.

This can mean the creation of positive statements, overcoming limiting beliefs, and expecting success.

Why Positive Thinking Matters

A positive mindset essentially involves:

  • Concentrating on life’s positives
  • Anticipating positive outcomes
  • Finding solutions rather than dwelling on the negative
  • A powerful mental attitude that looks for the best in any situation

Embracing this mindset not only boosts your overall happiness and satisfaction with life, but it also helps you to manifest more easily.

By consistently focusing on positive thoughts, you’re raising your vibrational energy, attracting more positive experiences into your life, and aligning yourself with your desired outcomes.

This alignment is essential for truly harnessing the power of the Law of Assumption and making your dreams a reality.

Creating Positive Affirmations

The development of positive affirmations acts as a crucial step towards replacing negative beliefs and assumptions.

Affirmations work like so:

  • Present tense
  • Positive
  • Personal to you
  • Specific
  • Meaningful (emotional weight)
  • Concise
  • Believable

This is how you create powerful affirmations which can help you break through self-limiting beliefs setting you up for success to use the Law of Assumption.

For more information on creating positive affirmations, check out this article on the Power of Autosuggestion.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs (which are ultimately negative thoughts), hinder our progress towards achieving goals and experiencing our best life. They can hinder our manifestation process by creating a conflict between what we want and what we think is possible. To harness the power of the Law of Assumption and manifest our desires effectively, we must identify and challenge these limiting beliefs.

I’ve written a guide on how to overcome these limiting beliefs. Check out this article on How to Change Self-Limiting Beliefs: 3 Tactics and 1 Powerful Strategy.

5 Tactics to Use the Law of Assumption to Achieve Your Goals

a man standing in a room with a ceiling with a sky and clouds | Law of Assumption

To bring this to a more grounded level, here’s five practical techniques that you can implement to manifest your desires using the Law of Assumption.

Each of these techniques will help you create congruence between your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your goals.

1. Seeing the End

To use this law properly, visualizing the end goal is necessary.

Practicing visualization of your desired outcome as already complete helps you step into that completed reality. It also creates a sense of motivation and focus, allowing you to take the necessary actions towards achieving your desired outcome.

The psychological explanation behind visualization lies in its ability to create positive beliefs and expectations. Visualizing our desired outcomes with clarity can influence our actions and shape our reality, making it a powerful tool for:

  • Boosting motivation
  • Increasing confidence and self-efficacy
  • Improving performance
  • Priming the brain for success.

2. “Act As If”

“Act As If” implies having belief and behaving as though your desired outcome has already materialized. It’s about aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with the future you want to create.

Acting as if has worked in real-life situations based on the Law of Assumption, helping people manifest their desires by believing and acting as if their desired outcome had already been achieved.

I myself have used the “Act As If” technique many times to help create a more powerful connection with my desires, eventually bringing them into reality.

This belief and action aligns your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with your desired outcome, resulting in the manifestation of your desires. This is also known as “congruence”, which I detail in this audio here:

3. Visualization

Visualization forms an integral part of the Law of Assumption because it focuses your conscious and subconscious minds on your goals.

Effective visualization exercises include visualizing yourself achieving your goals, being in a positive environment, and being surrounded by positive people. Regularly practicing visualization can strengthen your faith in your assumptions and align your thoughts and actions with your desired outcomes, accelerating the manifestation process.

4. Scripting Your Desired Reality

Scripting is an influential creative process where you write down your intentions or desires to actualize them. It involves writing about your desired future as if it’s happening right now, aligning your vibration with a state of gratitude and belief. Scripting helps you bring your manifestations into reality faster.

By writing down your desired reality in detail, you increase your focus and vibrational energy on your desires. When combined with the power of intention and the Law of Assumption, scripting makes your manifestations a reality.

5. Meditation Practices

For harnessing the Law of Assumption effectively, meditation is a necessary practice. Different types of meditation, such as manifestation meditation, guided visualization, and affirmative meditation, can help you clear your mind of any negative thoughts and focus on what you want.

Meditation also helps you stay mindful and present, maintaining your high vibrational energy. By incorporating meditation into your daily routine, you can effectively harness the power of the Law of Assumption and manifest your desires with ease.

If you want more information on how to practice meditation, check out this article by Mindful.

Conclusion + Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the Law of Assumption offers a powerful pathway to connect to your desires. By understanding its origins, embracing the power of positive thinking, and implementing practical techniques such as visualization, scripting, and meditation, you can harness this ancient principle to create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Remember, the key to successful manifestation lies in your beliefs, assumptions, and most importantly–taking the right action. So, believe in yourself, assume the best, work diligently, and watch as your dreams become a reality.

What do you think about this Law of Assumption? Have you used it successfully in your life? Let me know in the comments.

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