Seven Universal Laws of Nature: How to Use Them to Your Advantage
Since the beginning of time, mankind has been trying to explain its existence through various philosophies.
How things got here, why certain things exist, and just general inquiries into life are some of the questions that normally have arisen.
From this inquiry, you have things such as chemistry and physics. Or the multiple different branches of religions that dot the globe. Even the variations of psychology and the process of unraveling the mind itself all come from this inquiry.
However, if you dig deep enough, you start to understand that there is a sort of continuity to things. A unifying order, a perennialism, if you will.
From this continuity and unifying order, I believe it is safe to draw two conclusions:
- Our current existence is one of connectivity
- This is existence governed by higher laws of principles
There have been hundreds, even thousands of universal laws drawn from this conclusion, but we’re going to only be looking at 7 universal laws and how to apply them starting today.
Origin of the 7 Universal Laws (or Principles) of Nature
These 7 universal laws take their cue from hermeticism, a philosophy with a long and winding history dating back to Ancient Egypt that makes stops in Europe and even near-modern America. The explanation of this philosophy is beyond this topic, however it is a good jumping off point to understand universal laws of nature.
The most easily accessible work relating to universal laws is what is known as The Kybalion, a book highly revered in occult and esoteric philosophy circles.
Some people think the words “occult” and “esoteric” have to relate to some sort of witchcraft or voodoo, but all it means is “knowledge that is hidden from view”. As in, something that you have to do some digging to find. You won’t find it at your local Walmart or 7/11 (or will you?).
These 7 universal laws transcend religion, philosophy, or creed and are the building blocks of the natural world.
There are some people who have supposedly transcended these universal laws but for us mere mortals, let’s just come to a comprehension of what they mean for us as people.
Let’s get started.
The Law of Mentalism
The All is Mind, The Universe is Mental – The Kybalion
Simply put, we live in a world of mental creation. From the standpoint of hermetic philosophy, the entire universe is a thought held within the mind of God/The Creator/Universal Intelligence and everything in the universe is a variation of that thought. It’s like putting objects in a room. The room is just a container for the objects.
If you follow this assertion long enough, you see that this principle of mentalism underpins every thing in our universe. Things come into this world via thought. The chair you’re sitting in was once a thought. The computer or smartphone you’re using to read this was once a thought. YOU were once a thought in the mind of your parents.
We give names to objects. What are those names? More thoughts. Many people want a high salary. What is a high salary? A thought. A number with a certain amount of zeroes after it.
All thoughts. All mental creations.
This lines up well with the assertion in Indian spirituality that the universe is simply a plaything of Krishna (God) and forms come and go as he chooses to think them in and out of existence.
How to apply this:
This is obviously a heavy concept to grasp, especially if you are unfamiliar with stuff like this. A basic suggestion would be to to take control of your thinking. The greatest discipline in life is to control your mental environment. All things originate from the mind in some form, so you’d be wise to start getting discipline in this area.
Controlling the mind is simple to learn but takes a lifetime to master. Many people never do it. Many people are tossed like a bottle at sea, here and there by their thoughts and emotions. Almost all turbulence in life is caused by a lack of mental discipline.
The easiest (and arguably best way) to start is to start meditating. Meditation is the process of being able to separate yourself from your thoughts and observe them. You’ll start to get an insight into metacognition, the ability to think about thinking. This distance will make it easier for you to not get so wrapped up in your thoughts and start using them instead of visa-versa.
The Law of Correspondence
As above, so below; as below, so above. – The Kybalion
In hermetic philosophy, there is a concept of what is happening outside is a reflection of what is happening inside. This makes life one giant mirror. Your thought creates an action and actions create an effect. That effect will be a larger reflection of that seed of thought.
From this perspective, there is nothing that really doesn’t matter, because everything – does in a way.
How to apply this:
In many religions and philosophies, there is a “return”. In the Bible it is called “sowing and reaping”. In the Bhagavad Gita, it is called “karma”. One act produces another variation of that same act on a different plane.
For example, say you wanted to get into shape or add muscle to your frame. The thought (I want to get more physically fit) creates the action (working out) which creates the effect (more muscle).
This effect originated from a thought, which was the seed that produced the plant. This then goes back to the previous principle of mentalism, inferring that everything starts from the mind.
The Law of Vibration
Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates – The Kybalion
Nikola Tesla said “if you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”.
Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. Something that is hot is said to have a higher vibration than something that is cold (because it is moving at a faster rate). Humans can only see a small percentage of the actual light in the world. Things like radio waves, sound waves, and X-rays are outside of our field of vision because they are vibrating at a certain frequency.
The principle of vibration also states that there is nothing static in life. People change jobs, moods, likes and dislikes depending on different circumstances. In fact, your individual life circumstances may largely depend on your predominant vibration or the energy you transmit into the world.
How to apply this:
You can change your mind, you can change your mood, you can change your situation by “vibrating” at a different frequency of thought. Every thought, emotion, and mental state has a certain vibration. Enthusiasm “vibrates” differently than anger. Willingness “vibrates” different than apathy. Abundance “vibrates” different than scarcity.
The person who masters their mind by an act of the will and habit is able to change their circumstances to anything they want. Decide on what type of energy you want to give off to the world and make that your predominant way of living and acting. Soon, you will get into situations relating to this.
The Law of Polarity
Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. – The Kybalion
Shakespeare said via Hamlet “nothing is good or bad, only thinking makes it so”. Thinking is again a mental process, which means that “things” are created by the mind (mentalism again). We only know things relative to other things. “Light” and “darkness” or “heat” and “cold” are only known relative to its “opposite”. There is no absolute scale we can measure against. There is no such thing as “absolute light” or “absolute cold”. There is only “experience”.
How to apply this:
There are many situations in our lives that we automatically classify as “good” or “bad”.
Losing a job, getting into a car accident, breaking up with your girlfriend, losing money, etc. are not “bad”. They are just “situations”. They are painful situations yes, but who’s to say they’re good or bad? Losing your job could be the best thing that ever happened to you because it allows you to get a new job or start your own company.
Using this universal law of polarity, you’re able to transmute “bad” into “good” and “negative” into “positive”. There is great power in this and it’s not something to be taken lightly.
The Law of Rhythm
Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. – The Kybalion
Standing paradoxical to the principle of polarity, the principle of rhythm states that everything has a swing from one “pole” to the other. Isaac Newton already discovered this in physics over 300 years ago.
When it comes to mental states and “things”, the same applies. Ralph Waldo Emerson discussed this in his essay on Compensation where he theorized that things tended to “even out” over time and people get out of life what they put in.
No surprise here, this also shows up again in Vedic and Indian philosophy many times.
How to apply this:
Hermetic philosophy states that a person will experience a certain amount of “pain” or “pleasure” in proportion to the degree that the other has been experienced.
The entrepreneur who struggled for years may be rewarded with an IPO or a buy out and the person who drinks tons of alcohol will be “rewarded” with a hangover.
This is why you should go through the pain of discipline so you don’t have to go through the pain of regret. Honest effort rarely goes unpaid.
The person who uses the principle of rhythm to their advantage will be the master of life rather than an unwilling participant to the shifting tides of life.
The Law of Cause and Effect
Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law – The Kybalion
Cause and effect is arguably one of the most important universal laws or principles in existence and without it, the universe would be an absolute shit show (more than it is already, har har).
Since cause and effect defines everything in existence, it’s clear to see that there’s no such thing as “chance”. Chance is simply cause and effect with unknown origins. Everything matters. There is no “big” or “small”, everything is a “big” thing and everything is a “small” thing. Everything effects the overall system in one way or another.
How to apply this:
The number of causes and effects that have come to making our current circumstances are beyond our comprehension and transcend us. The only thing we can do is to influence them.
The only real way to influence cause and effect is by self-mastery. There is no other way. Without controlling yourself, you will always be at the whim of the universe and again, an unwilling participant.
The Law of Gender
Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes- The Kybalion
Gender comes from Latin meaning “to create; to produce”. In the physical realm this is “sex” but this concept of gender goes way beyond that. There are some things that are more “masculine” and others that are more “feminine”.
The boardroom tends to be a more “masculine” place than a home. A place like Hawaii is more “feminine” than somewhere like Detroit. Batteries have a positive and a negative pole. Your mind has a conscious and subconscious element. And of course, a male impregnates a female and she has a baby.
How to apply this:
As a man, you have a physiology and psychology that is suited to take advantage of the masculine element of life more so than a woman would and visa-versa for her.
On the mental sphere, someone can be more oriented towards “feminine” interests (for example, creativity) than “masculine” ones (such as “logic”). This is independent of someone’s sex. You need to be able to take advantage of both masculinity and femininity in order to live life properly because life requires both push and pull.
Conclusion + Wrapping Up
To someone who is new to this sort of philosophy, this is a lot to take in, but for someone who is familiar with this type of stuff, this may connect a lot of dots.
These 7 principles are in essence the same law or principle, originating from the same source and implying the same thing. These all sum up that you need to use your mind in order to impact and affect your reality, if you want any chance of living the life you want to live.
There’s a lot of things that happen to all of us at all times, but using these universal laws – we will be able to flow more easily with life and influence it rather than just accepting what it gives us without question.
So what do you think about these universal laws? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
We need to know that a single, fundamental (Most Important) law exists. And we need to understand that applying this law in the most effective and efficient possible way is essential to our full and complete development as intelligent beings (as we shall soon see)
This law must be discovered firsthand, independently, for oneself for this astounding result to simply and naturally take effect.
A simple process exists for doing so which took over 25,000 hours to discover and develop — because it was ‘that’ important!
The effects of this law on humakind will be greater, more useful and more encouraging than all other knowledge we possess.
And once it becomes widely known we can expect tremendously positive results from the law (in use) worldwide as we as individuals begin to understand ourselves with utter clarity.
The future is very, very bright for us and this is an extremely positive and fortunate circumstance for each and every person alive — today and tomorrow!
Humankind is an amazingly lucky organism that is capable of the most positive things together as a species that we can possibly conceive!
And so, up, up and away to each and every one of us!
May you discover the underlying law of nature very, very soon!
Ted Poulos