Masculine Energy: A Guide to Developing Your Assertiveness and Influencing People

Do you frequently say one of the following or a variation thereof?

  • “I can’t understand women, I don’t know why they can’t act normal.”
  • “I can’t get a good relationship, I can’t even attract women.”
  • “I’m not respected by my friends or co-workers. I feel like a weak man.”

People like this may think: “I need more money.” So what do they do? They go out and get a new job or start making more money.

Eighteen months later…they’re still in the same spot as before.

They then think: “I need a new car”.

They go out and get the car. Eighteen months later where are they? Still in the same spot.

Attracting people, attracting women, attracting opportunities, is not about what you drive or how you dress.

It’s about how you act.

Rather, it’s about projecting an aura of authority and authenticity, which is masculine energy for most men.

In this article, you’re going to learn:

  • What separates masculine energy from feminine energy
  • Why masculine and feminine energetic polarity is the key to dynamite relationships
  • Why you aren’t being masculine right now
  • Ways to increase your masculinity and dominant male attributes

Let’s get started.

What Are Masculine and Feminine Energies?

masculine and feminine energy, how to express masculine energy, masculine and feminine polarity

I want you to think of the most attractive, most feminine woman you know. What does she look like? How do you feel when you’re around her?

I want you now to think of the most masculine man you know. What does he look like? How do you feel around him?

If you pay attention, you’ll notice they both have distinct energy surrounding them.

This distinct energy, this dissonance, is the spark that causes fireworks. It’s the raw attraction between the sexes.

Think of it like magnets.

The more masculine you are, the more you will naturally attract the feminine. Visa-Versa is true as well.

A coin is made of two sides. There is no such thing as a “one-sided coin”.

Masculinity and femininity are the same way. Without one, there isn’t the other. It’s a game of contrast.

This doesn’t necessarily correspond to gender.

Masculine energy and feminine energy exists in all things at all times. If you’re a man reading this, you have both of these energies that make up your psyche, and you find yourself leaning to one or the other most of the time.

Most men tend to naturally lean towards masculine energy due to testosterone (which is 15-17x higher than that of a woman’s).

A woman can be masculine and act masculine, but she will never have the resources at her disposal to tap into it all the way as a man does. The same goes true for a man. He will never be able to be fully feminine like a woman because his physiology will not allow him.

Masculinity and femininity are yin and yang. Share on X

Characteristics of Masculine and Feminine Energy

masculine and feminine energy, how to express masculine energy, masculine and feminine polarity

Despite what many people say about gender, there is a reason why men and women are different.

This has its roots in our origin as a species and it’s unlikely to go away any time soon.

Back when humanity was relatively small and when we needed to survive by any means necessary, we divided ourselves into tiers or groups largely based around competency and ability. This is called a dominance hierarchy (opens up video with sound).

Men, in particular, were noted for their larger physical size and greater physical strength on average when compared with women (because of the influence of testosterone).

Thus, men assumed the role of hunters and everything associated with it (fighting, aggression, persistence, assertiveness) and women assumed the role of gatherers (collectors, nurturers, social interactions) and everything associated with it.

This “division of labor” kept the tribe running smoothly as all of its bases were covered.

In its physical form, masculine energy, and feminine energy are influenced by hormones and the interaction of testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol (a suppressant of testosterone).

In particular, testosterone has a wide variety of effects on someone’s psychology. This is where the division of masculine and feminine energy starts.

Here’s some basic distinctions between masculine and feminine energy:

  • Physical characteristics – Masculine energy is associated with strength and groundedness. Feminine energy is associated with being airy, wispy, free, receptive.
  • Social influence – Masculine energy wants to go in a certain, often unexplored direction. This may mean isolation and ostracism from a group. Feminine energy wants to cement social bonds, wants to make sure everyone is “provided” for.
  • Focus – Masculine energy is very focused on achieving a certain, single-pointed objective. Prone to tunnel-vision. Feminine energy is very “big picture” and sees the entire panorama. Prone to lack of focus.
  • Core desires – Masculine energy wants to push, to conquer, to dominate. Feminine energy wants to be collaborative, it wants to focus on “here and now”.
  • Thinking styles – Masculine energy is logical and clear-cut. Thinks in terms of lines and angles. Feminine energy is more creative, more expansive. Thinks in terms of curves and circles.

Together, masculine and feminine energy work as a team. This is why a good relationship can be an asset if you are in your masculine and she is in her feminine.

Everyone has a flux of these energies competing at any given time. No one is 100% feminine or masculine.

That’s what it’s so easy to wear masks and take on the energy that is naturally foreign to you.

Why Masculine/Feminine Polarity Is Difficult to Express

masculine and feminine energy, how to express masculine energy, masculine and feminine polarity

The crisis in mature masculinity is very much upon us. Lacking adequate models of mature men, and lacking the societal cohesion and institutional structures for actualizing ritual process, it’s “every man for himself.” And most of us fall by the wayside, with no idea what it was that was the goal of our gender-drive or what went wrong in our strivings. We just know we are anxious, on the verge of feeling impotent, helpless, frustrated, put down, unloved and unappreciated, often ashamed of being masculine.” – Robert L. Moore, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Masculine Man

We all wear a mask at any given time.

We wear a mask because our natural personas don’t fully clash with the “acceptable code of conduct” that is expected of us.

At some point in his life, the former boy was told implicitly or explicitly: “You shouldn’t act like that. Being aggressive is bad.”

At some point in her life, the former girl was told implicitly or explicitly: “Stop acting so emotional. You need to toughen up.”

So the boy becomes a “momma’s boy”, the girl becomes a “tough girl”.

Manifested in adult life, this is why many men have trouble getting the lives they want and many women feel like “something’s missing” despite having a great life on paper.

This is also part of the reason why men are lagging behind women when it comes to general life achievement.

Something like “shadow work” is helpful in this situation because it will help you dig to the root of your true desires and eliminate all of that social conditioning bullshit.

Unfortunately, many men (or women) don’t know what true masculinity is because they were never shown a good model of masculinity.

Many men were raised by single mothers and didn’t have a strong male role model in their lives. Or even worse…they had a father who was physically present, but he was either abusive or even used as a handyman by the mother.

Since a lot of guys didn’t have anyone to show them how to express that inner drive, one of two things happen:

  • Feminization – The man becomes less sexually polarizing
  • Hypermasculinity – The man becomes an over-exaggerated caricature of masculine traits

You see feminization happen when a naturally masculine man starts taking on traits of the feminine. These men are the guys who are overly passive, addicted to validation, and generally have trouble with women as a whole (also known as “nice guys”).

Hypermasculinity is when a man becomes an overly aggressive, overly dominant, unemotional, video game-like shell of his natural essence. These men more often than not end up in jail because they commit brutal crimes.

Generally, it is easier to express feminine energy in our current world because of how it’s set up.

Men who are naturally feminine (yes, there are men like this) will find it easier to move through the world with less trouble.

But on the whole, men and women are at the losing end because men don’t know how to express that raw masculinity and women are looking in vain for the ones that have it.

Everyone’s running around confused, not knowing what the hell to do to attract suitable partners.

This leads to unfilled relationships, unhappiness, and a terrible life.

How to Project Masculine Energy

masculine and feminine energy, how to express masculine energy, masculine and feminine polarity

If you’re a man reading this and you find that you’re lacking that attractive pull on women or you’re finding it difficult to assert yourself, then it’s time to develop more masculine polarity.

As a man, your physiology and psychology is better equipped to tap into masculine energy more so than a woman’s is.

Here’s how you start to increase your masculinity.

Lift Weights or Resistance Training

If you’re familiar with this type of advice, you’ll notice that a majority of it says to lift weights. Why?

Lifting weights encourage testosterone production, which will make you develop more masculine traits.

I truly did not start feeling raw masculinity until I started lifting heavy things and doing more physical activity.

If you need a program to start, I recommend Bigger, Leaner, Stronger by Michael Matthews or Overcoming Gravity for a more calisthenics bent.

Be Decisive

Generally, a woman is looking for someone who can create a clear direction in a relationship. Part of it is gender roles, but part of it is the fact that many women have tumultuous emotions and need someone to help contain those emotions.

Women crave men who can make a decision, stick to it, and plot a plan of attack on how to get there. Indecision is the default in this world.

Start making small decisions and stick to them. Say you’re going to wake up at 6 am…and actually wake up at 6 am… no ifs, ands, or buts.

When you see you can stick to the smaller decisions, your subconscious mind will start aligning with you on making bigger decisions that can actually change the course of your life.

Be Assertive

Assertiveness is the ability to state an opinion, desire, or fact without wavering from your position because of outer pressure.

Assertiveness comes from an inner confidence and an inner type of entitlement.

A lot of guys struggle with being assertive for fear of not being “nice”.

If I said, “the sky is blue”, that’s an easy statement to make assertively because it’s a fact grounded in reality. You could easily make that statement without flinching.

But what if after talking to a girl, you close with: “What’s your number? We should go out sometime”. Could you say that without any doubt or fear? It’s much harder to do. Why? Because you don’t feel entitled to that number.

What about asking for a raise? Are you confidently able to state to your employer why such a raise would be justified?

If you want things in this life, you’re going to have to ask for them. Start learning how to ask for things with confidence and without shame, fear, or guilt. All of the men we look up to of past or present believed they deserved the good things in life.

Dig Deep (on a Project or a Vision)

One of the main characteristics of the masculine is the ability to develop a clear-cut vision. This isn’t to say that the feminine lacks vision, but one of the things that define a masculine state of mind is “purpose”. It knows where it’s going and it carves out space for others to follow.

Let’s use someone like James Bond for example. James Bond is not successful with women because he’s “James Bond”. He’s successful with women because they are the extras in his movie, it’s his show.

If a woman wants him, great. If she doesn’t, great as well. The core mission remains tethered (back to that sense of groundedness I mentioned earlier). In short, he doesn’t put women on a pedestal because that’s not his core vision.

Developing a grand, overarching purpose for your life will give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning and it will give you the fire and drive to engage in goal-setting. Start by coming up with a vision of where you want to be in 1 year and even 5 years.

Study Masculine Figures in History

One of the best ways to develop your masculinity is to take queue from other masculine men. You can do this by examining contemporary figures but sometimes, it’s best to go back into the past and see what masculinity was and how it was expressed throughout history. A good way to do this is by reading biographies and autobiographies of male leaders (one of my favorites is Alexander the Great).

Even though some of these men weren’t necessarily role models, you can learn a lot about masculinity especially by looking at the darker parts of it.

Have a Strong Masculine Frame

“Your woman knows your weaknesses better than anybody. She knows where you will falter and give up. She knows the degree of mediocrity you will settle for. And, she knows your true capacity as a full man, a man of free consciousness and love. Her gift, if she is a good woman, is to test you with her darkest moods, over and over and over, until your consciousness is unperturbed by feminine challenge.” – David Deida, Way of the Superior Man

This is one of the most important points: having a strong masculine frame.

“Frame” is a term from social psychology that refers to someone’s sense of influence within an interaction.

Frame is a cornerstone of social intelligence and without it, it is impossible to project true masculinity.

This leads from the following point because “frame” generally refers to how you see the world and yourself in it. If you have a weak frame, you’ll find yourself getting smashed down by others in social situations and swaying to other people’s opinions.

Part of the reason why women test men is because they want to know: “is this a man who I can feel comfortable and safe with?” If women detect weak frame, it’s game over.

If you have a strong frame, you’ll hold your ground no matter how much you’re tested on your values.

How to Hold Dominant Masculine Frame

  1. Stand Your Ground – Learning how to stand up for yourself in mentally trying situations is how you can develop frame – fast. For example, on a night out, you approach a woman. She not only rejects you, but embarrasses you in front of your friends and her friends. What do you do? Run away with your tail tucked between your legs in shame or shrug your shoulders and say “oh well, your loss“? These situations are what will define your overall sense of “frame”.
  2. Meditation -Meditation is how you create a centered baseline of emotions. Whatever happens, “you” are not affected. Meditation helps you tap into that central part of you that’s strong and solid – like an oak tree in a storm.
  3. Positive Ecosystem – Think of your life as an ecosystem. A diverse ecosystem can survive a few species dying because it has so many other pieces in it. A barren ecosystem with a couple of species most likely will not. Going back to that example of rejection, one rejection shouldn’t phase you. You should have so much stuff going on in your life that even if you are shot down by a girl or have a bad day at work or whatever, it’s just no skin off your nose.
  4. Keep Progressing -Whatever you’re doing in your life, you should be getting better than the day before. In a year’s time, you should be much better and in 5 years, it should be a quantum leap. Never let a day pass without improving in one area of your life.

Conclusion (Pick Up the Challenge)

If you are a man who leans towards masculine energy, answering the call to step fully into your masculinity isn’t easy.

Expressing masculine energy freely and unashamedly is quite a task when the prevailing social narrative tells you to “sit down and shut up”. Inside virtually every man is a roaring lion, one that wants to spread its wings, soar, conquer, and most of all – connect with the feminine.

I highly encourage you to develop that gusto, that thumos inside that will enable you to live a life you’re proud of and one with all of the friends and love you desire.

Let me know in the comments: how are you developing your masculine energy?

20 Responses to “Masculine Energy: A Guide to Developing Your Assertiveness and Influencing People

  • Excellent content. Well-written as well. Thank you for your contribution to helping the lives of others as well as myself. You give me hope.

  • akash kumar
    6 years ago

    I have never seen such website
    Thanks from core of my heart

  • It s very nice …i want to ask you how about a women masculine, what I can do when I had a father that was not a male archetipe was more feminin than masculine…thank you .

  • Thanks, Sim. Very useful content.

  • Lytncoln
    6 years ago

    i like the article. i have been trying to make myself start working out again. but i havent had much success. i live alone. by that i mean i have my own place, yes, but also i have no one to talk to. no one to hang out with. no work-out partner. no partner in crime. and as of about a year ago, no girlfriend. i made a change and not one person came with. i am trying to be self sufficient and not need anyone. most of the time it isnt very hard. it actually gets easier all the time. i still miss her when i think about her, so i dont think about her. or as little as possible. i think reading this has motivated me to snap out of this boredom/depression/laziness? i dont know. but i think it will be over soon. thank you for that.

    • Lytncoln,

      Thanks for the comment. I don’t think it’s possible or good to be “self-sufficient”. We will always need people around, for better or for worse. No man is an island. Have you tried to help make friends? It’s worth a shot. I think it will be good for you.

      I’m glad to hear that this helped you, though. Keep pushing on.

  • It is very good of you to share information like this to us.

  • Derrick
    5 years ago

    Great Article. Well written and makes so much sense. I deal with this in my marriage and see how things can break down. Very helpful and excellent advice. I hope you have written or is in the process of writing a book! Thanks!

  • Sim,

    Your article was a great refresher for me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with the world.

    Out of curiosity and working (continuously) on my highest self as a woman, I’ve been doing my own research on feminine and masculine energy for about a year here and there, specifically how to be a high value embodied “Goddess”, for the lack of word, as well as putting it into practice so to better myself. In my case, I wanted to explore more of my feminine part after joining a women-only FB group. As evident in my own experience, and as a woman, I noticed that more masculine men came into my life (or perhaps I noticed more of them) when I deliberately practiced more feminine energy traits. It’s all about the energy! Also, I could better see in which area I needed to work on. The same is noticing men who are more on the feminine side. Learning about all of this help me towards finding my inner wild woman goddess. It’s intriguing to see us, humans, on these spectrums. Anyways, it’s nice to read different articles on this topic. Gives a fresh perspective on known things.

    I stumbled upon your article in search of feminine/masculine energy. I’m well aware this is geared towards men (haha) and nevertheless an amazing article to read for us, women 😉

    PS: I’m working on my own website (total beginner, nothin online yet) and feminine/masculine energy will probably be a topic at some point.

    Thank you,


  • Kevin Isiah
    5 years ago

    Nice article!… about 99% of it is true to the core in my personal stance.

    I’m bisexual.. yes I’m not straight.. i grew up and realized that i am different from my predominantly straight family and society since i was 5 or 7.. I tend to lean more on the feminine and sensitive side. Grew up bullied and discriminated many times because well… “masculine dominated christian society”…until on my early twenties on were i started to have work and earn my own money… I have decided to come out and express my femininity… My gay side on were i was loud and proud for being a flaming homosexual that i was lol… Don’t get me wrong.. being gay and out of the closet was fun and liberating… i was nicknamed as “baby girl” or the “barbie girl” of the group. It was like that for a long time… until the harsh reality of life took over and backfired. I was surprised that even in the LGBT community on- where i belong have also experienced discrimination and humiliation on a personal level. There are people who are biphobic, simply because i don’t look gay enough or masculine enough to be respected as a man. I have loved many guys only to be devastated many times all over.I encountered and experienced alot of toxic people and I have come into terms of being “emasculated” on were i was weak, disrespected, down spirited and has no sense of direction or whatsover. Until it came a time that a girl came along and she has become my friend. At first i only see her as a friend nothing that serious…like a gay guy with a best friend girl on the side…Until i have developed certain feelings for her… At first I was confused.. I thought I was a flaming homosexual who likes guys?… but then this girl… just came along and gave certain signals. With her impeccable feminine qualities,looks,affection and her personality of nurturing and caring like that to a child… I just realized that I am now falling for her and all the femininity that she is…The toxicity that i have experienced in the LGBT community or even in Toxic machismo groups just faded away.. I have begun to act more manly and would lean more on the masculine side of things. I have developed interests in sports, like boxing, hiking,martial arts and have become more motivated to go to the gym!… I have become more aggressive and more concern with my manly image… I have become more in control and happy with my life!… all because of a girl with a good quality of femininity complements with that of my left over masculine energy that it was and she simply let it grow . All that you said in this article just hit me to head, and downright smacked me to reality! I am still attracted to guys though, I am still discovering myself and I still consider myself “not exactly straight”…I still have that “feminine sassy gay” energy within me lol… BUUUT i don’t mind acting mostly straight, or be identified as a man and having a serious relationship with a girl with good amount of feminine qualities that makes my masculine side more improved and would fall in love over and over.

    • Interesting take on this subject, Kevin. Thanks for sharing!

      • Great content. I wish my weak boyfriend can open his mind, go to therapy and read this. I’m about to leave him forever! I’m tired of being a woman AND a man in the relationship.

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