Self-Improvement: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide for Young Men
As a young man in today’s dynamic and ever-changing world. you owe it to yourself to become a better version than you are now.
You do this through self-improvement.
This guide to self-improvement will give you everything you need to build yourself up as a young man and become someone you’re proud of.
What is Self-Improvement?
The definition of self-improvement is pretty explanatory, but here’s Wikipedia’s definition:
activities that develop a person’s capabilities and potential, build human capital, facilitate employability, enhance quality of life, and facilitate the realization of dreams and aspirations.
Everything you will read on Unstoppable Rise is aimed at self-improvement on some level.
Why is Self-Improvement Necessary? Why Does This Guide to Self-Improvement Exist?
The “justification“ (if you can call it that) for reading this guide to self-improvement and doing self-improvement itself is philosophical, yet simultaneously grounded in reality.
From a philosophical perspective, we are all on planet Earth to contribute our unique talents, gifts, abilities, and competencies to the elevation of our world and collective society. Self-improvement or personal development helps to refine those talents, gifts, abilities, and competencies. As a result, we create a better world.
Self-improvement is what it means to be human, essentially. Triumph and struggle. Pleasure and pain. Tension and release.
All of those are experienced when you are in the process to improve yourself.
In line with this philosophical viewpoint but on a more grounded level, there is an inevitable fact: you are a young man.
As a young man, you have tangible and intangible wants, needs, and desires.
A brief list of what that may entail:
- A feeling of self-worth
- A body you can be proud of
- Connection with other human beings
- Competence at a skill or a set of skills
- Financial security and/or financial freedom
- A loving relationship with a woman of your choosing
- The ability to live your life on your terms with a high degree of agency
This is a short list of some of the things that you may daydream about as a young man.
You can just close your eyes and see yourself lounging in outside under an umbrella in the sun on a nice, picturesque summer afternoon day in the backyard of your mansion–feeling that all is right with the world.
While this scene may or may not happen in real life, you increase the probabilities of it happening by doing self development work.
You can see self-development as the key to your life.
And one last note on why self-improvement is essential: you as a young man right now are like an uncarved block of marble. Filled with potential – but that’s just it. Potential. You need to carve the marble to make anything of value.
Self-improvement is your chisel.
Here’s how to start carving:
Areas of Focus
As a young man starting out or progressing on your life’s path, there are several areas that are essential to build up and reinforce.
These often contribute to the base of your self development foundation and without them, it’s hard to start (and continue) the journey.
Here they are in no particular order (what I call “launchpad capital”):
- Physical
- Knowledge
- Productive
- Emotional
- Financial
- Social
- Spiritual
Your physical capital is made up of the collective state of your physical body.
These are:
- Readings such as vital signs
- Your weight relative to your height
- Your lean body mass relative to your weight
- Your ability to move objects of varying weights and sizes throughout space
- Etc.
While there’s not much you can do for some things like height or your vision (short of getting eye correction surgery), almost everyone can be much healthier than they are right now.
Much of this just involves moving your body on a daily basis, eating a healthy diet, and getting sound sleep.
If you want to get started, check out these articles:
- 22 Simple Ways to Get Healthier With Minimal Effort
- Ultimate Guide to Muscle Hypertrophy.
- 15 Minute Daily Stretching Routine
Your knowledge capital is a combination of your current knowledge, your capacity to learn (your learning ability), and your ability to apply whatever knowledge you currently have.
Knowledge is the currency in our information based world.
The more ideas you have and can apply – the higher your chance of success will be.
This is why I recommend reading.
If you want to achieve the life of your dreams, unless you’re from an already rich family–you’ll need to put in some elbow grease.
This means increasing your productive capacity and ability to do work.
Lots of guys try to weasel some way around this by looking for “hacks” and ways to “work smarter, not harder”.
You can try that, but there’s only one way I’ve found to get straight to what you want in the shortest time possible: by actually DOING the work.
That means you need to take action relentlessly.
As a human being, you are an emotional creature. Despite all of the nonsense in popular culture of men supposedly “not being in touch with their feelings”–it’s true. We make decisions via emotion and then justify them via logic.
Your ability to be emotionally & socially intelligent will determine your ability to connect with others, empathize with others, and work with others.
It is the core of human relationships.
Money means a lot…until it doesn’t. Your ability to build a strong financial foundation for yourself and whoever is in your life is at the top of the list or near the top of the list of things you need to do in order to live an expansive life.
You may have lots of goals and lots of dreams. But without understanding and knowing how to use money, those goals and dreams might end up being unfulfilled.
We are born and die alone…but we live among people. The presence of other people or lack of it will be one of the main reasons for your success or failure (though not the only reason).
Humans are a social species at their core, it’s the only real reason why we’ve been able to take over the globe as one of the weakest species (physically) on the planet.
Social skills and social connections are important.
This area is intangible but it is one of the most important aspects of your life.
Spirituality is not religion and religion is not spirituality. Spirituality is simply living your life in a way that you act and move as if you are connected (or are seeking connection) with a force larger than yourself.
Some people call this “God”, others call it “universe”, others still call it “Source”. Regardless of what you call it, feeling as if you are living in the presence of something deeper and grander than your own day-to-day consciousness–is spirituality.
Those are the areas of focus. Here’s some common topics that appear within self-development.
Common Topics In Self-Improvement for Young Men
This is a list of general topics that young men may find themselves concerned with at some point in their self-development journey.
Starting Out/The 20s
When you graduate high school or college, you aren’t given an instruction manual on how to live your life.
It’s often a scattershot period of trial and error–getting wins, making mistakes, and learning along the way. Eventually, you come up with a synthesis of “this is the best way to live”.
Self-Discipline and Self-Management
Self-discipline is a requirement for a good life. And that’s even phrasing it lightly. Without self-discipline, you are fucked with a capital F. You will have zero agency in how you want your life to unfold over the long or even short term.
Therefore, you are required to develop some basic level of self-discipline if you want to achieve your goals and dreams.
Whether it be doing something like the dopamine detox or taking up a physical challenge, you must do something which is outside your comfort zone.
This article will light your path: How to Develop Rock Solid Self-Discipline
Physical Mastery
As kids, many of us wanted to get jacked like the guys in the movies.
In fact, you may still want to get jacked like the guys in the movies. Only now, it may be a particular fitness influencer who inspires you.
Because deep down, you know without a shadow of a doubt–being bigger is just better.
Men give you more respect, women make it easier for you to talk to them/hook up with them, people give you more deference, employers treat you better…we are wired to care about physical dominance.
And while this is not a bodybuilding or physical fitness site, I do encourage all young men to maximize their physical potential and to take it seriously because your older self will thank you.
There are many things that can be covered (flexibility, cardio, etc.), we’ll just keep it basic. Here is your start. It’s not where you’ll finish: Ultimate Guide to Muscle Hypertrophy.
Stoicism & Bulletproof Mindset
Stoicism is a philosophy that is growing more popular by the day. If you yourself haven’t been exposed to it, chances are that someone in your circle has.
Stoicism is simply an approach to life which chooses to deal with how things are, not how you wish they were.\
Following from Stoicism is the concept of being “bulletproof” mentally. If you’re focused on dealing with reality and not escaping from it, that will make it harder for you to develop a “hard mind” and focus on achieving your goals and not whatever bumps are in the road (rejections, peer disapproval, moodiness, life happenings, etc.)
Many of the thinkers you read and follow have most likely been influenced by Stoicism either very heavily or in a subtle way.
A great site to learn about Stoicism is Ryan Holiday’s The Daily Stoic. He’s created an entire ecosystem on how to use Stoicism in a sustainable and actionable way, no matter who you may be.
Financial & Lifestyle Freedom
Most people don’t chase money for the sake of it. They do it for what it can do for them. Most adults instinctively know this.
Despite this, many adults find themselves trading time for money until they day they retire. And Warren Buffet once famously remarked:
“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
Meaning, if you can’t find a way to create leverage in your life, you will never be free from the work-to-earn-to-spend treadmill that many people in society find themselves in.
My suggestion? Learn how to build a career and a system that allows you to flip this. Simple to do in the modern world, though not always easy.
Without getting too deep into things, here’s a brief primer. Again, start with this. Don’t end with it. Keep doing your research.
Social and Masculine Confidence
No man wants to walk into a room and feel diminished. No man wants to feel shy, awkward, timid, insecure, self-doubting, or any other negative feelings when they interact with people (and especially with women).
Unfortunately, some (or even all) of the above is exactly what a man experiences on a regular basis.
Therefore, many men wish to become more competent in these areas.
I’ve written a guide on masculine confidence and how to develop it. I hope it helps you in your quest to unlock the inner confidence that’s within you.
I believe that all people need direction. Why? Direction feeds into actions, which feeds into lifestyle, which feeds into destiny.
Therefore, you need a competent direction to go in.
Some direction is better than no direction, especially early on.
If that requires you taking a job at a Walmart after college to stack cash in preparation for your career, then do it.
If that requires you moving across the country to pursue a fanciful dream, then do it.
You need to keep making steps towards whatever your vision of “the good life” is. Life isn’t perfect, so don’t be afraid to make messy (but constructive) action early on.
Here’s 5 things I did early on to help me establish direction.
Avoiding Modern Pitfalls
There is more opportunity in the modern world than has ever existed at any point in history. But there are also many traps and sticky situations that are bound to ensnare any man if he does not watch his step.
I talk about a few of them that men under 35 should watch out for.
Best Self-Improvement Books (My Top Picks)
I’ve read a lot of books in my day. However, these have made the most influence on my thinking by far (in no particular order):
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Awareness
- Deep Work
- Power vs. Force
- The Practicing Stoic
- The Wealthy Gardener
The Best Self-Improvement Articles for a Young Man
These are my best articles around the topic of self-improvement in relation to rising up as a young man:
- 4 Pitfalls Men Under 35 Must Avoid If They Want to Be Successful
- 16 Superior Self-Improvement Books for Young Men
- 20 Pieces of Advice for Men In Their 20s
- Getting Through the “Dark Wood” of a Quarter Life Crisis
- How I Improved Myself As A Young Man (5 Essentials)
- Should You Break Up With Your Girlfriend?
- Why Self-Improvement is a Must for Young Men (and the Best Ways to Start)
Conclusion + Wrapping Up
Self-improvement is an affair which can be easy to overlook. However, it is considered a “Quadrant II” activity, meaning that it is super important – but if you don’t make time for it, it will never happen.
You need self-improvement if you want to build a strong foundation for yourself so you can achieve all the success you desire for yourself.
Use this guide to self-improvement to get started and fuel your personal growth journey!
Want to Develop Yourself Faster?
As a young man, you need every weapon on your side to achieve your dreams. One of these “weapons” is time. Time is plentiful but paradoxically in short supply.
Therefore, you need to maximize your output.
Introducing, Cornerstone.
Cornerstone is a self-development program that shows you how to build a strong self development foundation that will help you accomplish whatever you’d want to accomplish in life.
Whether you want to be the best leader, best father, best whatever you can be or you have more worldly ambitions – Cornerstone will help you achieve it and save time in the process.
No more searching for endless self-development resources. Everything you need is here – all in one program.
More info is available below: